Disclaimer: I’ve been the pot and the kettle…we’re both black…so let me cook.
“The only thing worse than an insecure woman…is an insecure man”…a quote from the ‘MyTypes’ post I wrote on 9/12...
The discourse between Dr. Cheyenne Bryant, Nick Cannon and Dr. Umar…has me in a chokehold. I was introduced to Dr. Bryant when she went on Cam Newton’s podcast and she earned my admiration after I learned about everything she’s had to overcome to get to where she is now. But she earned my respect when I heard her hold herself accountable for her past and present behavior because…everybody isn’t able. Youtube has recommended me a few videos of her since then and judging from the condescending titles…she must be doing what God put her here to do. I might be biased but I didn’t click on the videos because the title made it obvious that the intention of the content creator was to poke holes in the image of a Dr. that has a lot of people in their feelings right now because…she holds them accountable. I just found out that she did another sit down with Nick Cannon recently and before their interview…Nick did one with Dr. Umar. After watching both interviews…Kendrick’s lyrics kept replaying in my mind…“I feel for the women that deal with the clown and nerd sh*t…can’t blame them…today they ain’t really got much to work with.”
I have no idea how big this blog will be in the future so I’ll try to be mindful of my words but…the market is oversaturated with feminine mind sets…that are housed in the heads of men. I have to make the disclaimer that I’m not talking about all men because…duh. But today…I watched two grown men sit and gossip about a grown woman whose only offense is her trying to hold black men accountable for their behavior. And the ‘tea’ party held by these men seemed to be birthed from the hurt feelings that resulted from this woman essentially saying ‘no’…to men who only seem to surround themselves with people who constantly tell them ‘yes’. IMO, Nick’s ego was bruised by hearing a woman, who knows what she’s talking about, tell him that his decision to produce a bunch of broken homes is selfish. Because it seems like he was genuinely convinced that his financial status made him exempt from the stigma associated with his Pookie-ish behavior. He couldn’t weaponize his success during his first interview with Dr. Bryant, like I’m assuming he does with his BM’s, so I feel like he interviewed Dr. Umar after that to get his lick back. Because Dr. Umar tried his hardest to find fault in Dr. Bryant but all his talking points were either inaccurate or points she already publicly acknowledged.
All I took away from these interviews is everything my life experience has already shown me…when you try to hold an insecure man accountable…he will pretend to take in what you show him but will plot on the day that he’ll be able to bring you down to the level his ego needs you to be on…in order for him to feel like he’s a man again. From what I’ve seen…insecure men only feel like men when they have a woman feeling more insecure than they do. Vice versa. And if that woman manages to confidently call out their toxicity…these types of men don’t feel whole again until that woman is seen in an unfavorable light to as many people as possible because…it looks like that’s how they build their confidence. What scares me the most about men like this is they either have male children that they’re indoctrinating with their false sense of manhood…and/or they have platforms that misguides fatherless men into emulating their mindset.
Long Story Longer: Dr. Bryant didn’t ask any of these men to do anything other than hold themselves accountable for who they’re currently choosing to be and their rebuttal was to find fault in why she isn’t who this world says she should be at her age. It’s a shame tactic that usually works on most women but failed on Dr. Bryant because she’s healing. And a woman who is actively healing will always trigger a man who is pretending to…to gossip…instead of grow.